Come as you are.

Leave changed!

Are you a woman seeking freedom from destructive life issues such as addictions, domestic violence, the emotional aftermath of sexual assault or prostitution? If so, let us introduce you to Jesus Christ! Life in Him brings healing, hope, and restoration. A new beginning is possible! Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Cor. 5:17 NKJV

We've helped over



recover from drug and alcohol addiction thru a relationship with Christ in the last

27 years


“I long for Your salvation; I put my hope in Your word.” Psalm 119:81

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Hear how God is transforming hearts and lives of women and families struggling with addiction.

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Join us for our monthly “Breakfast with the Founder” and learn first-hand of God’s goodness.

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Help a woman struggling with addiction receive the love and support she needs.

Called To Serve

All around us there are women who are broken and wounded from painful life experiences desperately needing to experience a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We are called to live life alongside them, sharing the love of Christ and extending a heart of compassion. "God has called each of us through His word to loose the chains, untie the cords, set the oppressed free, break the yokes, share our food, provide shelter, clothe the naked, and to revive the hearts of the contrite" (Isaiah 58:6). 


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